Sunday, February 3, 2013

g(raphic) i(nterchange) f(ormat)

GIF [gif or jif]
1. a set of standards and file format for storage of digital color images and short animations.
2. a file or image stored in this format.

Origin: 1985–90; g(raphic) i(nterchange) f(ormat)

GIFs have been gaining a lot of interest lately in the art field. They have the motion that a video creates, but the fact that it is a constant loop, though a short one, has interesting opportunities; I believe this is what makes them so popular lately.

Perseverance (2013)
Meghan O'Bryan
640x480 pxls, Loop

This particular GIF I created using a found video of blooming flowers and two found images, one of a light bulb and the other of a trash dump. I used Final Cut X to edit the video and then I imported the video and images into Photoshop as layers to edit the rest and create the loop or GIF.

It represents the idea (light bulb) and the ability for life (the flower) to continue through its cycle (growth and decay loop) even if surrounded by harsh and unwanted environments (burning trash dump).

R_69 (January 24, 2013)
rrrrrrrroll (GIF Animation Group)
500x281 pxls, Loop

This image is of a traditional Japanese style setting, including a traditionally set table and four floor pillows. A young female is sitting on a floor pillow, possibly waiting to eat, as the image has her and the four floor pillows rotate clockwise around the table on a continuous loop.

The image I choose to show as an example in class is R_69 by rrrrrrrroll. They are a group of Japanese friends who create GIF Art. They began creating GIFs in April of 2012 and have gained a lot of attention in Japan as well as in various other counties including the United States.

"At a rate of roughly two a week, they've been appearing on a Tumblr blog called rrrrrrrroll that is dedicated to the project and run by a group of friends."

Here is the link to their Tumblr page:

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