Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fair Use and Appropriation

fair [fair] use [v. yooz or for pt for mof 9, yoost; n. yoos]
the conditions under which you can use material that is copyrighted by someone else without payingroyalties 

ap·pro·pri·a·tion [uh-proh-pree-ey-shuhn]
1. the act of appropriating.
2. anything appropriated for a special purpose, especially money.
3. an act of a legislature authorizing money to be paid from the treasury for a specified use.
4. the money thus authorized: a large appropriation for aid to libraries.


Two articles:
Fair Use by Negativland
Susan Stoops, Martha Rosler: Bringing the War Home, (1967 - 2004)//2007), (Agitprop, p 58-63)

This post is in response to these two articles.

Negativland has a very forceful and even crude way of appropriating. I agree that anything should be able to be used in appropriation, however I feel that there needs to be a good deal of consideration to the person(s) whose material the artist is appropriating from, just as Fair Use states. For example, in the U2 song, negativland is having a negative impact on Casey Kasem's reputation. Fair use is a very tricky thing, without having very specific guidelines to follow, appropriation can cause a great deal of trouble for artists, as it has with Negativland.

Martha Rosler creates a strong message with her use of appropriation on topics of war and social conversation. The way in which she uses appropriation changes the setting and the discussion on what the original would have brought to the viewer, or even a similar message a viewer had received but stronger with the other materials that were appropriated. I believe the way in which Rosler uses her practice of appropriation is very much held within the idea of Fair Use.

The Gray Drape (2008)
Martha Rosler 
Appropriated Images

U2 (1991)
Digital Mesh Song

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